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CHRth-Glass Silicone TAPE H7525R MR 36" WD X 36 YD SG

$ 0.00

CHRth-Glass Silicone TAPE H7525R MR 36" WD X 36 YD SG
For custom slitting prices, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-423-7008.

CHR7525 and H7575 (HVOF) are heavy-duty pressure-sensitive tapes used for thermal spray masking. They are manufactured by combining multiple layers of silicone rubber, aluminum foil and fiberglass coated with aggressive high-temperature silicone adhesive. H7525 and H7575 are used as high-temperature masking tapes in thermal spray and high velocity oxygenated fuel processes.

The aerospace industry is the prime market for the use of plasma spray tapes, specifically jet engine manufacturers, overhaul centers, major airline maintenance centers, Air Force Bases, and Naval Air Rework Facilities.


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